Let's find Pathedral!

Have you played Pathedral?

Pathedral was the first weird internet game I ever played. I first heard about it on somethingawful in 2004 or so; I had just played Ico and I saw a thread about "weird games" and thought hey, sounds up my alley.

Well, it was!

It had some really unique visuals, cool music, and the character designs always stuck with me.

What's strange about Pathedral, and why I'm making this page, is that I can barely find anything about it online — let alone a copy of the game.

The only trace of it I can find is a screenshot of the title screen (shown above), hosted on an abandoned tumblr page.

It's probably not a particularly impressive game, but as a dumb kid just getting into "weird art" at the time it kind of blew me away. I'm sure there are some other people out there who were affected by it like I was.

Here's some things I remember about Pathedral:

Here's a page from my old middle school sketchbook with the main character from Pathedral and one of the waking dream characters. (Finding this was actually the reason I remembered the game ^_^)

Contact me!

I've set up an email address for anyone who has any information to share about Pathedral. Message me at pathedral@puppydog.party. Let's find this game together!